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Published 4 hours ago

This Powerful Search Engine Is Saving Vulnerable Dolphins & Turtles Marked For Death

Over 1 million marine animals die from plastic each year! This search engine is out to change that.

By 2050 it’s predicted there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Over 18 billion pounds of plastic is entering our oceans every year.

But what can we do? You and I probably both recycle and reuse as much as we can already. Also, I’d love to go help clean up or give some money to help out but I already feel stretched to my limit.

That’s why I’ve been so excited to find out about and how they make it free and easy for someone like me to help save aquatic life by cleaning the ocean.

All I have to do is install the Chrome Browser extension and use the internet as I normally would. The money companies pay to show me ads, now that money is going to clean the ocean.

Nothing changes for me but now I’m saving marine life!

On average, for every 2 web searches you make, one plastic bag is recovered from the ocean and coastlines by the OCG crew.  


UPDATE: For Firefox users, OCG just came out with a new extension as well. You can get it here